About us

Hampton Neighbourhood Association is an incorporated association established September 2014.

We represent the community in discussions with federal, state and municipal government on issues that affect residents and businesses, such as transport, traffic and urban development.

President – Hamish Hughes

Hamish is a resident/owner in the Bayside area and a strong proponent for development that is appropriate and incremental. He is a specialist in finance and in management.
Contact Hamish via community@hna.org.au





Treasurer – Judy Bissland OAM

Judy and her husband Ian have lived in Hampton since 1998. She believes in the importance of having connected communities, is involved in a number of local community organisations and loves the friendly, village atmosphere of Hampton.

She has been involved in apposing inappropriate development in Hampton since 2016 and on the HNA Committee since 2019.

Judy’s professional background is in education. She spent 30 years in Swinburne’s TAFE Division as a teacher, department manager and ultimately Executive Director. She subsequently worked at Sandy Beach Centre in Sandringham, managing educational and community engagement projects.

Connect with Judy at community@hna.org.au